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Slop Fired Boilers

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SLOP FIRED BOILER: Customised Solution with Optimised Design and Engineering

What Is Slop?

Also known as Spent Wash / Vinasse, it is an effluent generated while fermentation of Sugar Cane molasses in distilleries during process of Ethanol production.

General Description Of Ethanol Production And Slop Boilers

Slop is extremely hazardous to the environment if disposed directly.

With strict pollution control regulations in place to maintain Zero Liquid Discharge, it needs to be disposed properly without affecting surroundings and environment.

Table 1: Typical Characteristics of Raw Slop

Why You Need Slop Fired Boiler?

Conventional methods of Slop disposal like Biomethanation or Biocomposting does not comply with environment norms as per Pollution Control Board Guidelines. Therefore, a full proof technology by incineration of concentrated Slop to ensure complete and safe disposal and to meet statutory norms of Zero Liquid discharge.

Other Advantages of Slop Boilers

  • Cost Efficiency: Using Slop or Spent Wash as fuel instead of regular fuels not only reduces fuel cost but also helps in getting rid of hazardous effluent.
  • Energy Efficiency: Slop based boilers and power plant offer a balanced solution to generate and meet process steam and power requirements of distilleries.
  • Additional Revenue: Potash rich ash is saleable as fertilizer and source of additional revenue.
  • Reduced Cost Of Production: It offers a great way to produce ethanol at a reduced cost of production.
  • Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD): Slop fired boilers is best solution to meet stringent pollution control norms and achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in a distillery.

What should be Features of Slop Fired Boilers?

  • It should sustain boiler operation even with varying Slop concentration.
  • Should be suitable to fire variety of Biomass / Coal for combustion support as well as for 100% steam generation when slop is not available.
  • Effective on-load cleaning of heat transfer sections to ensure continuous operation.
  • Minimum operating cost.
  • Automated operation.

Why Mago Thermal

  • Mago Thermal offer Proven designs Slop Fired Boiler with Travelling Grate technology vetted by industry / design experts.
  • Best solution to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge norms and to meet Steam & Power requirements of Distillery.
  • Our boilers are suitable to fire Concentrated slop ranging from 45 to 65 Brix.
  • Boiler design require minimum support fuel for continuous operation.
  • Option of firing variety of fuels such as Bagasse, Rice Husk, Coal, Wood Chips and other biomass as supporting fuel.
  • Option of ESP or Bag Filter to meet stringent emission standards.
  • Rugged design and Easy to operate technology with minimum maintenance & shutdown requirements.
  • Minimum auxiliary power consumption.
  • Boiler is suitable to generate 100% MCR steam only on support fuel also. This feature is helpful for distilleries operating in off season on raw materials (Grains) other than molasses.

At Mago Thermal, we offer

  • New Slop Fired Boiler and complete Power plants.
  • Engineering consultancy for Slop Fired Boiler based Power Plants.

We at Mago Thermal provide Slop Fired Boiler based power plant solutions in sugarcane belt of Uttar Pradesh (UP), Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab and other regions across India. For more information on Mago Thermal’s Slop Fired Boiler solutions, Call Us at +91-9910490700 or Contact Us.
